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Career as a face reader

A career as a face reader is not a recognized profession, and it is not based on any scientific evidence. The practice of face reading, also known as physiognomy or personology, is not considered to be a valid or reliable method of understanding a person's character, personality, or emotions.

Most mainstream academic and professional organizations do not recognize face reading as a legitimate field of study or practice. There is no formal education or certification process for becoming a face reader, and there are no established standards or criteria for evaluating the accuracy or validity of face reading claims.

It's important to understand that Face Reading is not a scientifically valid or reliable method of understanding people, and it is not recommended to rely on it for making important decisions or judgments about individuals or their lives.

If you are interested in a career related to understanding people and their behavior, there are many other fields that are based on scientific evidence and rigorous research, such as psychology, sociology, and human resources. These fields offer many opportunities for education, training, and career advancement.

Learn Face Reading

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