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Body language as a career

Body Language can be a career for some people, particularly those who work in fields such as psychology, human resources, marketing, sales, law enforcement, and entertainment. 

For example, some people work as body language experts, consultants, or trainers, helping individuals and organizations improve their nonverbal communication skills. They may provide training in effective body language for interviews, public speaking, negotiations, and other professional settings. They may also offer individual or group coaching to help people develop their nonverbal skills and become more effective communicators.

In law enforcement, body language experts may assist with investigations and interrogations by analyzing the nonverbal cues of suspects and witnesses to determine their level of truthfulness and emotional state.

In the entertainment industry, body language experts may work as choreographers, directing the physical movements of performers, or as directors, advising actors on how to use body language to bring their characters to life on stage or screen.

Overall, a career in body language can be rewarding for those who are interested in human behavior, communication, and nonverbal cues. However, it's important to note that body language is just one aspect of communication and should be used in conjunction with other forms of communication to gain a full understanding of someone's thoughts and feelings. 

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